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Your Guide to an Organized Pantry You’ll Be Proud to Maintain

Pantries come in a variety of styles and sizes and every home has one. Whether a large butler’s pantry or a few cabinets dedicated to pantry storage in your kitchen, we all want an easy to maintain space that has us wanting to keep the door open for everyone to see.

Organizing a pantry is no small feat. It takes time and a commitment to the process. Here we share 4 tips to help you transform your pantry from cluttered chaos to clean and inviting, all while setting up an easy-to-maintain system.

Tip #1: Remove All Items & Review Expiration Dates Before Restocking

The first step to any organization project is to remove everything from the space.  Yes, we mean EVERYTHING. This will require a large amount of space so be sure you have ample surfaces to spread out the products. Once everything is out, remove any products you no longer wish to keep and review all expiration dates before restocking.

Tip #2: Create Categories & Commit to Keeping Like Items Together

Now it is time to sort your items and create categories. Keeping like items together, be sure to create categories that make sense for you and your family.  Common categories include baking supplies, breakfast, pasta, and canned goods. If space is limited, create broader categories such as pasta & grains, dinner items and kid's snacks to conserve space.

Tip #3: Select Storage Solutions & Start Saying No to Excess Packaging

Storing your products with the right solutions is key to maintaining order. Retail packaging is often bulky and wasteful. Removing items from their original packaging and placing them into stackable containers where possible will streamline your pantry and maximize space. Be sure to measure your shelves and choose containers that fit your space, categories and style. Some of our favorite products include OXO containers, wire baskets, IDesign turntables and hyacinth baskets.

Tip #4: Make a Plan to Maintain the Space & Move Through it Monthly

Now that you have everything perfectly organized, how do you keep it that way? How do you make sure your family will help upkeep the new system?  Labels are essential to maintenance. Labelling each category makes it easy to know where to find items and where to put them back. Take the time to walk your family through the space and share the categories with them. Schedule a monthly date to review product expiration dates and keep an ongoing grocery list near the pantry. Taking this with you when you go shopping will prevent overbuying and keep maintenance on track.

Having a functional pantry you're proud to show off is possible. The process can be overwhelming but systems and storage are the key to success. Even as experts, there are times where we have moments of panic when we start a project and feel like we aren't sure what to do but once we dive in, no matter the space, we always find a solution. Remember to follow the steps and if you need a professional to help cull the clutter in your space, be sure to reach out to us - we can’t wait to meet you!

Until next time,

Angie & Pam

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